Is it time to 'wake up' ?
Our intention is to support and work with councils, their officers and our wider community in-order to avert a major catastrophe associated with emergency planning and 'declared emergencies'
..... 2nd notice letter of escalation issued + response emails
BECOME ADVOCATES OF 'CRITICAL VOICE' INCLUSION : insist that competing narratives are heard in an open, impartial and balanced manner before important strategic decision making.
Dr Patrick Moore, Founder of Greenpeace
- The climate emergency is fabricated
- The scientific method is not upheld
- CO2 is not a pollutant or dangerous and is not causing the earth to warm.
- CO2 benefits plant growth
- Wind & solar are a giant waste of money
INDEPENDENT ... Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL) : Message to the people + new 2023 report analysing the latest IPCC AR6 Report = THE WORST AND MOST BIASED IPCC REPORT
INDEPENDENT ... Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL) : Message to the people of Devon & Cornwall addressing the climate adaption strategy proposals and consultation in June 2023
This film featuring very prominent scientists exposes the climate alarm as an invented scare without any basis in science. It shows that mainstream studies and official data do not support the claim that we are witnessing an increase in extreme weather events – hurricanes, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires and all the rest. It emphatically counters the claim that current temperatures and levels of atmospheric CO2 are unusually and worryingly high. The film explores the nature of the consensus behind climate change. It describes the origins of the climate funding bandwagon, and the rise of the trillion-dollar climate industry. It describes the hundreds of thousands of jobs that depend on the climate crisis. It explains the enormous pressure on scientists and others not to question the climate alarm: the withdrawal of funds, rejection by science journals, social ostracism .. and more ...
Climate change Committee (CCC) ... so called 'independent advisors' (with financial interests in green energy !) ... NGO & Interest groups advocating for o single goal and ignore the consequences - THE GOAL NET ZERO and DE-INDUSTRIALISATION .... are catastrophic for society
The highly influential quango Climate Change Committee (CCC) is unaccountable and has undue influence on policy. CCC is an advisor to Devon & Cornwall Councils - ADVISORY BIAS & LACK OF ADVISOR SCRUTINY IDENTIFIED BY 7CC ... UNACCOUNTABLE INFLUENCE OVER POLICY
Food security, net zero and why farmers are protesting.
Have you been adequately informed about the adverse implications vs benefits / costs of net zero ?
This video offers presentations prepared for an initial meeting in January 2023 with Torbay Council Officers, raising concerns regarding:
1. The proposed Torbay Climate Emergency Action Plan
2. Implications of the plan on the region, businesses and its citizens .
3. Council planning systems being 'fit for purpose'
4. Pragmatism of the policy and the nature of scientific information.
Affirming the meeting were over 200 informed citizens gathered outside the council building in peaceful support.
6 June 2023 : Two Leeds citizens speak at the Leeds City Council Climate Emergency Committee meeting. Is this the impoverished future you want to leave your children ?
21st March 2023 : Two citizens speak at Colchester City Council meeting exposing some of the issues about electric vehicles and batteries. Are these really ethical, safe, practical and sustainable ?
October 2023 : A motion to do more about the climate emergency. 17 Councillors against vs 24 Councillors for the motion. Are councillors starting to listen and act on the 'critical voices' of informed concerned citizens ?
Follow the progress of Rachel, Carinna and Cheryl as they pose increasingly important questions.
Torbay, Colchester, Leeds, Thetford, Oxford, West Suffolk, Bath, Glastonbury .....
and more